Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Deliverance from Evil

"This is what the Lord says:
'Stand at the crosswroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
Jeremiah 6:16

There simply is no understanding evil. Especially the evil that befell the campus of Virginia Tech on Monday morning, April 16th. But, what we can and should be striving to understand (and asking of ourselves as Christians) is love and how we can extend it to others in light of this tragedy. We, as believers, must love others, and live as Christ. Now is the time to be sharing our AGAPE love with one another We must remember that agape love is that deep, unselfish affection for another person that is only possible with God's Spirit living & dwelling within us. It is the love that Christ extended to us, and it goes out to our enemies, as well as our friends. Yes, the tragedies that befell many students on Tech campus on Monday were not an act of love. But, we as Christians, are called to respond in love. Our lives must exhibit the fragrant aroma of Christ, encouraging others to draw near to Him through our example and outpouring of love from Him. It is through our own journey of drawing near to the Lord, grieving with Him, and allowing Him to heal us that He can be at work through us as we shower love on the many people He brings into our lives to comfort, support, & minister during the aftermath of this tragedy. I know those reading this and that call themselves Christians are not below rising to this challenge. And, I also know that, in rising to this challenge, we will all find personal comfort, healing, and growth. It's awesome to think how, because of Christ's love, every Christian we know (including yourself) can be a person of influence, even in the midst of this difficult and discouraging circumstance. We must remember His love for us, in light of all this evil, and hold fast to the good that will truly come out of it (Romans 8:28), even though it is difficult to fathom at the moment.
In Romans 13:11-12, the verses remind us how this present evil age is ALMOST over. We can hold fast to the hope that Jesus is returning and all evil will be put to rest...evil on earth will be conquered! Our time of deliverance is near & our greatest motivation to live as Christ on earth should be wrapped and centered around the joy of NOT knowing about the time of His return (or our own day of death). Luke 21:25-38 shares signs of the nearing of His return. We should not be fearful of His return, but truly excited...evil will be cast out and love will reign. Jesus will conquer it once & for all and we will all live in peace! And, that time is near. I honestly never think of it necessarily happening in MY lifetime, but it is exciting to think that it seriously COULD! Do you see how, in understanding this present time, we must do all that we can to live faithfully for God, abiding and applying His truth and Word actively in our lives, in order to continue conquering evil and bringing others to Him so that we can all ultimately rest in the promise of His return & eternal life? Nothing conquers evil more than kindness and love. Nothing. There is no greater act of love than to shatter another's darkness with the light of Christ.
I encourage all that find themselves touched by Monday's act of violence to clothe yourselves in the armor of God (from Ephesians 6:10-13). Wear His His guidance....look to the Word...follow the roadmap He gives us within the pages of His divinely inspired book. Be one of God's instruments who will equip him/herself with what is needed to step into the light and share God's love with you meet and cross paths with. Allow God's Spirit to flow from you and flow into others.
And, ultimately...find healing.

Prayers are being lifted heavenward daily for all touched by the tragedy on Virginia Tech campus Monday morning.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sanctify Me

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Do's will is--his good, pleasing, & perfect will."
-Romans 12:1-2

As I sit here, preparing to type, my prayer to the Lord is for a transformed mind. I strive for my mind to be continually renewed and my heart & focus forever on Him.
The in-depth studying of Romans 12:1-2 has been significant for me. And, I'm still trying to wrap my mind & heart around all that God is revealing to me.
One thing is for certain...I take for granted, daily, the gift He has given me through His son, Jesus Christ. Forgive me, Lord, for how I struggle in accepting and comprehending the depths of Your kind of love. Yet, He graciously continues to open my mind & heart to His amazing love and meet me where I am, encouraging me to take a step deeper, closer, and more intimately with Him. Asking me to trust Him with more of myself, more of my life. Afterall, isn't God's mercy to us undeserving believers the only motivation needed for living a life of submission & service?
Trust and contentment in Him have been the theme of my learnings upon moving to Texas from Virginia. It's been a difficult journey, and one that isn't complete yet! Oh, but how I wish it were complete! I'm ready for the next chapter! :)
But, I must be a slower learner, because here I am...still learning the depths of trust & contentment. One promise I have loved learning is wrapped up in God's will. His "good, pleasing, & perfect will."
I'm still not certain how all of what I have learned applies to my discernment for the future. However, that is why I am writing...with the hopes for some clarity.
What I have learned of God's will is this:
  • Our faithful obedience to serve God and pursue His truth will reveal the goodness of His plan for our lives.
  • His "good" will is equavilent to having OUR best interest in mind.
  • His "pleasing" will is equivalent to the "proper" fit (like the most comfy pair of jeans I own)
  • His "perfect" will is absolutely complete
In allowing His truth to soak in & transform us, His plan and will is revealed to us. The key is spending time with Him, seeking Him, and being still in Him (Psalm 46)...letting all the lies we tend to believe that are of the world filter through and fall away from absolute Truth...God's Word.
Yes, I'm grappling with whether or not I fill out teaching applications for the fall. Is my pursuit of a teaching position solely because I see the dire financial need? If it rests on that, then I am not trusting the Lord and I am taking the reigns back into my own hands.
Or, am I feeling the nudges from the Spirit to pursue a teaching position? Is this the next step in the journey? Is this one of my purposes? Is this the calling God now has for me, in addition to motherhood?
I'm scared to say no, it isn't. There is a great deal of security to be had/found in pursuing a teaching position. It would mean, that in spite of our house in Virginia selling/not selling, we would be OK finanicially. Isn't this the responsible thing to do? There is security in being responsible. There is security in doing what seems to be the logical, next step.
But, what about my committment to family? What about my committment to stay home with the girls until I felt called out of the home? Am I being called, or am I responding to responsibilities?
And, is God's hand strong enough to hold me in all of this?
Of course He is...we know that...I know that...but, do I REALLY? In my head, yes...but in my know it enough to put it into action?
Leads me right back to the beginning of my writings and how I take for granted His love and gift to me. How I doubt that He truly is the All in All and that He will be there for EVERY need.
Even when He has given so much. Maybe all I need to do right now is rest in this Truth.
Oh, to know what He his plans are for me! To know what He has in store for me!
That is the question!

More Wiggle Racer Fanatics!

Shana and the girls were on the Wiggle Racer quicker than they could change out of their rain-soaked clothes!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Who's been WIGGLIN'?

Big Poppa Rob has!

Grandma Linda has! Kathleen has! Stacy has!

Laura & the girls have!

Uncle Scott has!

Anyone else up for the race???

Keep checkin' back to find out! :)

Blessed be the Man...

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord. He will be like a bush in the wastelands, he will not see prosperity when it comes. he will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives."

-Jeremiah 17:5-6

Oh how I desperately never wish to become this above person. How I desperately cling to the Lord during these difficult times and place my trust in Him, and Him alone. Oh, but it is so easy to cling to my own anxieties, fears, and the realities of how destitute we are, as well as how disturbing/scary life can often-times be. How I pray that our Lord will free me from clinging to these false idols, & focusing on these false realities. I long to see past our own personal financial strain & distress to His prosperity. I long to be a woman who sees His blessings & not these obvious & blatant hardships/misgivings. I long to be a person who exhibits complete and utter trust in Him. Am I? Can anyone share the I?

"Blessed be the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out it's roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, it's leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

-Jeremiah 17:7-8

Oh I pray that I could attain the joy of being a person who does not fear the heat (aka financial strain currently in our lives, as well as the realization of the financial securities I am guilty of holding onto that are steadily being stripped away). I pray for His strength & loving comfort to replace my fear. I pray for guidance...and ultimately that my leaves may stay green through all of thisl. Oh, Lord, be with my spirit and forgive any & all of my anxieties. I release all to You, and You alone.


Saturday, January 6, 2007

My "TRIPOD" friend is coming to visit in THREE days!!