Monday, June 30, 2008

Making Sacrifices

We're having to say good-bye...and having to let go. God has asked us to make some sacrifices, and our home is one of the top things that we are being asked to let go of. It's necessary, and I know it is a blessed thing, as I've experienced God's peace throughout this entire journey. However, my own humanness makes it still hard, as I grieve some of the material things (ammenities in our home) that I am being asked to sacrifice. But, I long for being in His will & living for Him in all I do, and for this sense of peace and joy, I let go of our home graciously and gladly.
You see, as I've mentioned, this entire move revolves around God asking us to make some sacrifices. Basically, He has asked us to do so in order we can bring more glory to Him with our finances. It has involved months of prayer, beginning initially with Rob coming to me several months ago saying that his heart was uneasy about not being in God's will with our home. We have had many financial difficulties, and basically, life has hit us hard this last year & a half with the extra financial strain/drain that a more expensive home can bring (upscale homes can be quite needy!). It has been needy in that it didn't have updated major appliances (meaning heating & A/C, water heaters, etc), which it now does. Don't get me wrong, there have been many blessings along the way, and God has definitely cared for us. However, things have also been very difficult. We just haven't found our financial footing since moving back to Texas from Virginia, & we definitely haven't been glorifying God with our finances (meaning tithing has taken a backseat to life's agenda, home stressors, and medical emergencies). was this past April (during our church's Women's Retreat) that God really got a hold of my heart and brought me to a point to lay it all down and realize that sacrifice is what He was indeed teaching us (or me...b/c yes, I love our home and it's many wonderful ammenities...don't even ask me how difficult it is going to be to let go of the pantry I can twirl around in!). So, our current goal is to reduce our mortgage so that we can live more w/in margin & that we can give to our church, family & others that which we feel called to give, glorifying Him through it all.
Within all this, a move will also allow us to get our daughter, Cameron, into the elementary school that we prefer. It hasn't been the driving force by any means, but ended up being one of the blessings that has come from the decision we made. The school we are zoned for simply doesn't have the strength in leadership and resources that the move into this new district will give us.
All that said, after a trying couple of months (between April & end of May) working hard to get our house on the market (we had several set backs, including a flooded guest bedroom and have to add new flooring!), we finally got it on the market just before the girls and I left for a mission trip to San Antonio the beginning of June. Saturday, June 7th, to be exact. The rest of the story, thus far, is that our house SOLD by Wednesday, June 11th!! So, even in this market and these times, God's timing was to have it sold in FIVE days, complete with the sale being right at our asking price! He is bigger than the housing market, He is faithful, and yes, He is amazing! This is certainly something we already knew, yet I continue to be in awe that He felt inclined to ultimately show us how He was in complete control of this step of faith & obedience from us in selling our home. Yes, all this happened during the same morning, on the mission trip, that I was dealing with having my car window replaced after a break-in to it! Needless to say, it was a crazy day! All in all, we are certainly excited to be in the home He has picked out for us. We are looking forward to moving into a home that is two doors down from my mother-in-law, in the school zone we desired, and a lower mortgage payment with the ability to pay off our home in 15 years vs. 30 years! To God be the glory!!
As long as all goes well, we will close on our old & new homes July 15th. We would certainly appreciate your prayers for continued smooth transition, strength for packing, and then endurance for unpacking. Thank you, whoever is reading, for your prayers & support! God is good and to HIM be the glory!
And, be forewarned, there may be some saddened blog entries as I endure letting go of this place we have called home for the last year & a half. A girl just has to have a place to unwind and let go.