Friday, December 15, 2006

Enlightened Heart

"Submit yourselves then, to God... Come near to God and he will come near to you." James 4:7-8

My all time favorite scripture. There is such comfort in these words. Whenever we draw near to God, we can hold fast to the promise that He is right there with us, drawing near to us. Like a shepherd holding fast to one of his lambs, maybe even a lost lamb that he has just found. God holds us, carries us, and embraces us.
To say that I am experiencing this is simply amazing. It is truly an experience and a truth I long to hold onto for the remainder of my life. Last Sunday it became clear to me how God was holding me, carrying me through this unique time in life.
Moving here to Texas has been bittersweet and difficult. I had prayed for 3 years for this day, and it was a prayer answered when we received the news that we were moving back to our "home" land. Closer to family and dear friends, as well as the "big city." Indeed, coming home to Texas was a true desire of my heart, even though I put all other options first before God. What I mean to say is that, I understand God has sovereign will over my life and where He ultimately wills, I will go. He has my best interest at heart...He knows the Big Plan and how He desires for my little life to fit into it. So, I obediently, and willingly, submit to Him. What a joy to know that Texas was in His scope & plan for us again, granting the desires of my heart that our girls know their extended family more intimately & personally.
However, transition is difficult. As excited as I was, and am, to be back in Texas, it is hard to let go. And, I knew it would be. Our roots ran deep in Virginia and we had settled in rather nicely. God had blessed us with incredible friends. He had blessed us with the opportunity to live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. We experienced seasons for the first time! The girls were introduced and lived around snow...something they desperately miss here in Texas (although, it has already snowed! I shared with Cameron how it was snowing JUST for her! It was such a tremendously wonderful gift from God!). At the root of it all, though, was God, His faithfulness, and the provisions of His church. He blessed us with an amazing church, and more importantly, church family. Although there were definite periods of distress during our six years in Harrisonburg, it was a season of growth for all of us. It has been hard to say good-bye.
The enlightened heart came last Sunday as I realized how full my heart was, and how it was OK to have a full heart. In that full heart rested God, and the sense of peace He provides through His Spirit when His people listen and are in accordance with His will. It is a wondrous experience. I truly feel Him holding me.
As I sat in our new church enjoying the Christmas story in song and spoken scripture, I realized that it is better to have a tender& full heart than anything means that God is right there with me. He is close, and I feel Him. I continue to reach out to Him, asking Him to show me the way. I am curious what He has in store for me here in Texas, within our new church. I sense He is calling me to teach (scary!), but in what capacity? Only time will tell, and only through prayer and drawing near to Him will I come to see His vision and His ultimate will.
Lord, I am so grateful for your provision, for your love, and for this incredible gift of salvation and mercy that you sent to us through the birth of your son, Jesus. Oh how I love Thee!!!

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