Thursday, October 27, 2011

Joy & Pumpkins

My heart swelled with great joy as I watched my eldest daughter interact with elderly men & women yesterday afternoon. This child, so eager to give of herself, so excited to find people to talk to, and so completely in her element while mingling with an older generation. Yes, my heart soared with joy and my eyes welled up with tears.

The girls and I have become involved with our school's community service organization. This month's service was a pumpkin donation to a local senior citizen community. The overall project involved students decorating pumpkins and then coming together, grades preK-6th, in a school-wide parade. Parents & faculty were present for congratulating and "ooing" & "ahhing" over all the creativity in pumpkin decorating (and there was some GREAT creativity involved!). Afterwards, those who were interested, donated their pumpkins to our service organization. Our children then loaded the pumpkins into cars and made a visit to the senior citizen retirement community. We were going to wish them a Happy Fall & share some festive pumpkin spirit with them.
It was to my great joy that our eldest, upon depositing her armful of pumpkins on the dining room stairs with the others, was conversing with an older woman & resident when I arrived on the scene with toddler-in- tow. All on her own she was striking up conversation with another person's grandmother. Not only that, but she had graciously given her own personally decorated pumpkin to this woman should she like it for her personal room. And to think that this one instance would only be the beginning of the joy that would continue to be beheld by me during our time at the senior citizen facility.
Once her conversation complete, this eldest daughter of mine came running over to me excitedly asking, "Mom, is there anyone else I can talk to?" Taken a bit aback by this new-found interest in others, I pointed her in the direction of the main lobby where two older women were sitting. She bounded on over, introduced herself, and offered a "Hello." As I neared the scene, I noticed that many of our school students & parents had gathered in an activity room where many additional residents had been involved in "horse races." I nudged our daughter, guided her attention to the activities room, and off we went with toddler-in-tow.
Albeit a bit hesitant at first, this eldest daughter of mine overthrew hesitancy and jumped into line behind a fellow student to make the rounds of the room greeting elderly men & women. For this mom, busy taking pictures and keeping up with toddler-in-tow (wondering, "why didn't I bring the stroller in?!?"), it was a joy to simply sit back and watch.
I witnessed maturity in bloom in the heart, mind, demeanor, and attitude of our precious 9 year old. I witnessed a glimpse of character being developed as she gave of herself. I witnessed confidence & joy as came to the last individual and bounded into my arms, beaming from ear to ear with a bright smile, and simply glowing from extending of herself and getting to know others. Her first words upon coming back to my side were, "Mom, I did it! I went around the room!"
She was filled with joy. She amazed her mom and provided such an incredible gift. A gift to others, to herself, and to her dear mother. A gift that I never want to forget, thus the posting of this story today. I am so thankful for this opportunity to witness a milestone, and to witness growth in individuality, step, by little, baby step. Thank you, Lord, for this revelation and gift of joy...thank you for our precious children.

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