Saturday, July 18, 2015

Living Victorious & Free

"Can't catch a break
You've had your fill of old cliches
Like 'life is hard, but God is good'.
But even though it's true
It won't stop what you're goin' through
I wish that I could say it would.
That he's outside of what you feel
It might not make sense
But one day it will.
There's comin' a day the sun will always shine
He's gonna wipe away every tear from your eyes.
Hold on, my brother
Things are gonna get better
You're gonna smile again
'Cause we win in the end

You're standing still
Life has handed you a bitter pill
Once again you're on your face
You've got questions
Plenty of secret confessions
Wonderin' if you've run out of grace
But he's outside of what you feel
This life is just a moment
But our forever is sealed
Oh yeah
There's comin' a day the sun will always shine
He's gonna wipe away every tear from your eyes.
Hold on, my brother
Things are gonna get better
You're gonna smile again
'Cause we win in the end

-Natalie Grant, "We Win in the End"

A sweet friend with an amazing talent for singing and leading worship recently sang this song one Sunday morning.  She has sung it before, and it has always struck me the beauty of the song itself, but it wasn't until this past Sunday that the words truly hit home.

They resonated in my heart.  God used my friend, this song, and these beautiful words from Natalie Grant to spur continued healing as a reminder of all that I am persevering toward in this journey.

God has used the time since my counseling session for good. Praise for how good the session was & how instrumental it is been in moving me forward in complete healing.  Praise those wise friends God has put in my life to encourage me toward this session, encourage me in my walk with Him, and in praying over ALL things every step of the way.  Oh how I praise God for those dear friends He has placed into my life (you know who you are...may you experience the Holy hug I am sending your way right now!)

The counseling session has left me stronger.  What I love about it is how Truth has been busy replacing the lies.  It has been amazing how God's Truth springs forward from my mind to over-power and squelch the negative thoughts/tendencies.  It's still a journey, and I have my fair share of "short-coming" moments of "forgetfulness," but overall...things are different.  Truth is more prevalent & at the forefront.  It gives me hope and promise that living the abundant life and claiming victory over this season of pain is near an end...and that I will come out, with God's abundant grace & strength, shining brighter, smiling more, and attaining the joy He has for me.  May I truly learn & allow His Truth in Hebrews 12:2 take hold & completely transform me:

"looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Jesus KNEW what was ahead.  He knew the great pain.  He was keenly aware of the deep suffering He would soon be enduring.  Yet, He accepted this journey, this will of His Father's, and He moved forward into the pain in joy.  His eyes were on His Father and the victory to come in the end.  

May my eyes and heart be so focused.  May I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, enduring whatever comes my way, rising to the pain, the heart-ache, the pitfalls, with a sense of joy as a servant of Christ, following in His way, in His plan, and in His will.

But, may I do so knowing the depth of His intimate love for me.  I long to grow in my intimacy with Him.  Moving all this "head" knowledge and truly allowing it to soak into my heart and flow out into the life I live.  

I have recently been introduced to a new hero.  Many of you know what a HUGE, (I mean fanatically HUGE) college football fan I am...I live for the fall and the start of a new football season!  However, outside the scope of the Big 12 (and my dear Texas Tech Red Raiders), this mother of 3 rarely focuses on many of the other teams or their players.

Until recently, that is.  I was just introduced to Eric LeGrand the other night, via a story about him in the inspirational magazing Guidepost.   LeGrand played with the Rutgers that season in 2010.  A tragic accident that October would change his young life forever.  It was during the game between the Rutgers vs Army in that Eric  fractured his C3 & C4 vertebrae in a collision with another player.  It left him paralyzed from the neck down and doctors estimated that Eric had less than a 5% chance of regaining any motor function--much less be able to walk again.  

Where is Eric now?  Making progress and living a MIRACLE.  He has kept his eyes focused on Christ, praying Psalm 23 with his aunt during the initial & most critical moments of his recovery.  He saw victories he could claim, bit by bit, with belief and trust in His Lord that it would be possible.  Doctors, family, & Eric were all left over-joyed over the healing that was occurring through the many months Eric was hospitalized and in rehab.  First he became determined to get off the ventilator (which in the first months following the accident, both the ventilator and feeding tube were all that were keeping him alive).  Doctors said he'd never breathe again on his own.  The noise of the machines kept Eric up, and he lay there at night wondering if he'd survive.  Finally, though, Eric convinced the doctors to let him try to breathe without it.  They told him he wouldn't last more than a few minutes.  The joy of it all was that, the first time he came off the ventilator, he lasted an hour and a half.  It was at that moment that Eric knew that there was a plan for this entire accident and journey to recovery.

The miracles Eric experienced next were not "parting-of-the-Red-Sea-huge", but no less significant.  They allowed Eric to see the progress and encourage his deep belief in miracles and the Lord at work in his life.  He truly, deeply, and without reservation, believes that everything happens for a reason, and has inspired me in my own personal belief.  

Eric's message that motivates me even further?!?  His voicemail message:

"This is Eric LeGrand.  I want to leave you with a quick message before you go.  Never take anything for granted.  Each day is a gift.  It is a prize of its own.  You have to go out there and receive it & enjoy it to the best of your abilities.  That's what I do every day of my life.  And always remember:  Believe."

(above story adapted from Guideposts, January, 2013,"To Walk Again," by Adam Hunter, Senior Editor)

Eric's life exemplifies Romans 8:37 for me:

"In all these things we are more than conquerors, through Him who loved us."

I long to exemplify that same lifestyle, focus, and perseverance.   I desire to conquer.  I yearn for victorious living, "living outside what I feel", and following hard, with my soul, after Him (Psalm 63:8a)

Grow my trust in You more, Oh Lord, and decrease my distrust of fellow man.  Focus my eyes solely on You, and less on what man thinks of me.  Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 17:8). May I see more clearly how You see me, & may I believe, as I get lost in intimacy in You.  


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